
Illuminati cards list
Illuminati cards list

illuminati cards list illuminati cards list illuminati cards list

Perhaps the clearest insight into Illuminati’s alleged soothsaying properties comes from Mr Blankenship, who told Vice: “It’s pretty much like any psychic - say that a Middle Eastern leader will be killed next year and you have a decent chance of getting it right. Best of BBC Future Anthropology The accidental invention of the Illuminati conspiracy (Image credit: Alamy) By Sophia Smith Galer 11th July 2020 The story of how the myth exploded reveals how. That’s why groups like the South American Nazis, the Cattle Mutilators, the fluoridators, the Communists, the oil companies and the United Nations, are in there.” “As much as possible, I wanted to retain the ‘flavour’ of the conspiracy material I’d been reading. Logically, then, a wacky game should be more fun to play. I know the 1982 (original) edition has 54 cards, but I cant find anywhere a list of that cards. Among all the material I’d read, the articles with the really wacky theories - even if they were presented totally seriously - were the most fun to read. Hi everyone Im trying to compile a list of Illuminati cards by edition. Mr Jackson explained that he had carried out extensive research into cults and conspiracy theories and observed: “It’s possible to get deadly serious about the idea of conspiracies and assassinations. “Giant golden dope-smuggling submarines, talking dolphins, anarchistic midgets, the holy man underneath Dealy Plaza (the Dealy Lama, of course), dozens of secret organisations with obscene acronyms, and a final deus ex machina in the form of a real live (and horny) goddess… Even if you could figure out who was on whose side, which I didn’t think I could, how could you make a game out of it? But it was such a fascinating thought!”

Illuminati cards list